Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Garden Update

We are harvesting veggies every day now. Yum. But there are still some things that are growing but not fruiting yet. Our pumpkin vines and zucchini plants are growing well but we are still waiting for them to grow actual veggies.

We’ve also started preparing our winter garden beds so they will be nice and ready for planting over the next few months. Lots of good compost and manure blends. We have started loosely planning our what we want to plant, and when we will plant it.

We were a bit free and easy with planting this spring and we want to take a more organised approach with winter planting and spring planting this year. This will be our 3rd year growing our own veggies and it’s been a great learning curve. I'd like for our produce to be more staggered so we get veggies over a longer period.

There’s so many more plants that I want to have a go at growing - brussel sprouts, garlic, passionfruit - and the list goes on and on. I just can get over how much better veggies from heirloom seeds taste. Our salads are just the best ☺

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